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Sound and Light Egypt Elevates Visitor Booking Experience & Grows 500% More with TicketingHub

This case study explores how Sound and Light Egypt, a premier organization in the Middle East, transformed its ticketing and sales operations using TicketingHub's advanced online booking software with the help of Digital Expert Marketing Consultancy. Facing challenges in providing a seamless buying experience, Sound and Light Egypt found an all-encompassing solution with TicketingHub. Read on to discover their challenges and the innovative solutions that TicketingHub provided to elevate their operations.

Σχετικά με τον πελάτη

Πυραμίδες της Αιγύπτου

Sound & Light Company is a leading international organization responsible for all the Sound & Light Shows at multiple archaeological sites. Additionally, the company manages several fascinating lighting projects that uniquely highlight ancient Egypt's legacy. With a reputation for creating mesmerizing experiences, Sound and Light Egypt sought to enhance their ticketing process to match their world-class shows.

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Η πρόκληση

Sound and Light Egypt faced significant challenges in their ticketing and sales operations. And so they went to Digital Expert Marketing Consultancy for help. Alaa Khalifa, the CEO of DEMC then faced these challenges:

  • Complex Buying Cycle: A comprehensive online ticketing solution is needed to demonstrate different travel experiences and enable direct purchases.
  • User Experience: The requirement for a reliable website to showcase achievements and facilitate positive user interactions.
  • Booking Process: The necessity for an online reservation system that simplifies the booking process for users.
  • Client Integration: Ensuring the system could cater to various clients' needs across the Middle East.

Alaa Khalifa, CEO of Digital Expert Marketing Consultancy, remarked:

"One of our biggest obstacles was finding a solution that understood the full buying cycle and could provide an exceptional user experience."


Η λύση

And that’s when Alaa Khalifa turned to TicketingHub. He continues, “and our problem was solved by finding TicketingHub.”

TicketingHub provided Sound and Light Egypt with a robust solution that effectively met their needs:

  • Sophisticated Booking System: A comprehensive solution for creating products, variants, categories, and price tiers.
  • Ease of Use: An intuitive platform that required minimal training for Alaa's team to master.
  • Automation and Flexibility: Advanced automation features and flexible payment gateways that meet client needs.
  • Outstanding Support: Exceptional customer support from TicketingHub's team, ensuring seamless integration and operation.

Alaa Khalifa praised TicketingHub, saying:

"We've been using it for more than five years now and has been serving us in the best way ever. Ticketing process has been easier with TicketingHub. The experience is far easier than any person to use. And I and my team took almost a day just to understand the whole logic of ticketing. TicketingHub is the best, most bulletproof solution for any ticketing needs. The support from their team, especially Carl, is unparalleled."
digital experts agency case study - results on sound and light show
The Results | See DEMC's Case Study on Sound and Light Shows featuring TicketingHub

Δοκιμάστε το TicketingHub σήμερα!

Experience the transformation Sound and Light Egypt achieved with TicketingHub. If you're looking for a sophisticated, user-friendly event booking software solution for your ticketing needs, look no further. Book a demo with TicketingHub today and see how we can help you enhance your operations and boost your sales.

Key benefits highlighted by Alaa Khalifa:

  • Comprehensive buying cycle integration
  • Exceptional ease of use
  • Advanced automation and flexible payment gateways
  • Unmatched customer support

Don't miss out on the best ticketing solution in the market. Get your TicketingHub demo now!

google reviews of the pyramids of egypt, customers loving the experience
Visitors from around the globe rave on Google Reviews about the cultural shows by Misr Company.

"TicketingHub has been a game-changer for Sound and Light Show since day one of onboarding their software. Their team is always looking for solutions and are eager to adapt to our ever-changing needs.” -Sameh Saad, Director of the Sound and Light Show


Κεντρικά Εισερχόμενα
Σχέσεις πελατών
Λεπτομερείς αναφορές
Μετάδοση μηνύματος
Πολλαπλή νομισματική μονάδα
Ειδοποιήσεις επιδόσεων
Εξαγωγή δεδομένων
Διαχείριση ομάδας
Ημερολόγιο διαθεσιμότητας

Οι χειριστές εμπιστεύονται και αγαπούν την έκδοση εισιτηρίωνHub

Ανατροφοδοτήσεις από την ιστοσελίδα Capterra

Μεγάλη, ευέλικτη με μεγάλη υποστήριξη από την ομάδα!

Το σύστημα είναι πολύ ευέλικτο και η ομάδα με βοήθησε με κάποια προσαρμογή, ώστε να ταιριάζει ακριβώς στην ανάγκη μου. Μεγάλη βοήθεια της ομάδας. Είμαι πολύ χαρούμενος μαζί τους.
Δανιήλ Β
Οκτώβριος 1, 2019

Ένα από τα καλύτερα συστήματα για τις ανάγκες των εταιρειών μου.

Συνολικά ήταν ένα ανεκτίμητο εργαλείο και σύστημα για την επιχείρησή μου, βοηθώντας μας τόσο να αναπτυχθούμε όσο και να επεκταθούμε. Χρησιμοποιούμε το Ticketinghub για αρκετά χρόνια επειδή το σύστημά τους ταιριάζει απόλυτα με τις ανάγκες μας για πώληση εισιτηρίων παγκοσμίως.
Όλιβερ Μ
Ιούνιος 20, 2019

Το καλύτερο σύστημα έκδοσης εισιτηρίων που υπάρχει στον πλανήτη γη.

Τα πάντα γύρω από αυτό βράχια. Από τους προγραμματιστές που είναι πάντα εκεί για να σας βοηθήσουν με οποιοδήποτε ερώτημα, μέχρι την εύκολη προσβασιμότητα του συστήματος και τη ρύθμιση.
Ανδρέας Δ
24 Ιουνίου 2022


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